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Aware of unforeseen circumstances in the world, the National Health Commission has now allowed Foreign Medical Graduates (FMGs) who have not completed their internships due to “limited circumstances” such as: War and Covid-19 to register for internships in India if they are able to pass the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE). The National Health Commission has also issued guidelines for the registration of foreign medical graduates. Aware of unforeseen circumstances in the world, the National Health Commission has now allowed Foreign Medical Graduates (FMGs) who have not completed their internships due to “limited circumstances” such as: War and Covid-19 to register for internships in India if they are able to pass the FMGE. The National Health Commission has also issued guidelines for the registration of foreign medical graduates.
Yes, of course, there are a lot of questions regarding the concerned decision of NMC. Well, let's dig up a bit, The National Health Commission (NMC) has relaxed the standards for one year, allowing foreign medical graduates who have passed a drug test to intern at non-teaching hospitals. Internships at 679 designated hospitals across the states will be allowed through May next year. The easing was announced as some students - especially those who completed training in China and Ukraine last year - had to complete a two-year internship to fill a gap in the process. The actual learning process has been hampered by pandemics and wars.
The National Health Commission made it clear on Wednesday that accredited non-university hospitals will be allowed to do internships for foreign medical graduates until May 2024.
This is going to be a reasonable step from the side of NMC, and this is a good approach towards helping the other students.
“This relaxation is granted only as one-time measure. The allotment of FMGs in these non-teaching hospitals shall also be done through concerned state medical councils,” said the circular.
“In addition to the above, it has also been observed that there are also foreign medical graduates who have not completed their internship due to a compelling situation beyond their control, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. -19 and war, and so on."
As per the official notification, "Given the pain and stress faced by these foreign medical graduates, their application to complete the remainder of their internship in India is considered an eligible:
“Accordingly, the state medical board can deal with the same issue provided that the applicant obtains an FMGE licence before applying to complete the internship in India,” the announcement added.
Considering all relevant NMC regulations and circumstances, the committee has issued a set of guidelines for FMG registration by the State Health Board, as noted.
A medical degree or GMF degree must be registered to practise medicine in the country where it is issued and must be equivalent to a licence to practise medicine issued to citizens of that country.
If completed at a foreign institution, documentary proof of successful completion of physical training or internship in the course of medical certification equivalent to MBBS.
A copy of passport with VISA details from immigration.
Candidates who wish to apply to India must pass the FMGE conducted by the National Examination Board (NBE).
The State Board of Health may enrol applicants who meet the above criteria for a 12-month period or a balanced period, if applicable.
Internships will be authorised at hospitals of the medical faculty or at hospitals affiliated with the medical faculty, as authorised by the committee.
The maximum quota for the distribution of internships to FMGs in the medical faculty should be capped at an additional 7.5% of the total authorised places.
State medical boards must obtain assurance from the medical faculty that the medical faculty will not charge FMGs any money/fees to allow them to practise.
GMF will receive a grant and other benefits equivalent to the training of Indian medical graduates in government medical colleges at the discretion of the relevant authorities applicable to institution/university or state.
FMGE: Number of hospitals offering internships
Sl. No | State |
No. of Hospital |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | 30 |
2 | Andaman and Nicobar Island | 1 |
3 | Assam | 21 |
4 | Bihar | 29 |
5 | Delhi | 21 |
6 | Gujarat | 49 |
7 | Himachal Pradesh | 6 |
8 | Kerala | 20 |
9 | Madhya Pradesh | 45 |
10 | Maharashtra | 74 |
11 | Tamil Nadu | 40 |
12 | Karnataka | 62 |
13 | Odisha | 17 |
14 | Punjab & Haryana | 42 |
15 | Jammu & Kashmir | 2 |
16 | Nagaland | 1 |
17 | Rajasthan | 62 |
18 | Tripura | 1 |
19 | Uttar Pradesh | 72 |
20 | West Bengal | 33 |
21 | Daman & Diu | 1 |
22 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 1 |
23 | Manipur | 1 |
24 | Military Hospital | 15 |
25 | Railway Hospital | 27 |
Total | 673 | |
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